SEO optimization

SEO techniques, Google Analytics, and content optimization.

How to be first on Google?

It's important to know that there is no way or proven method to be directly on the first place for every keyword. However, there are good guidelines, so-called SEO settings, with which you will certainly progress on the Google search engine. Every SEO beginner can make a significant result, but unfortunately also a great damage if they do not follow the important guidelines.

To make the text attractive to Google, it needs to be written in high quality. It doesn't sound strange, but Google invests a lot in developing the algorithm for its search engine. The reason is that Google wants to show among the first results what the user really is searching for. However, what does that specifically mean? So, let's go through it step by step!

1. Content should be original

One of the most common mistakes is to copy content from other websites. This is something that will cause Google to remove such a page from the search results list. This is one of the most important characteristics of SEO optimization.

2. Keywords

Google will determine the city where you live based on your IP address and sort the results accordingly. The first keyword could bring you 50% of the traffic, while the other keywords will bring the other 50%. As for other keywords, it is best to include more specific services you provide, such as selling honey, dance lessons, etc. SEO is generally the same for all countries, there are no significant differences, so all these rules and SEO settings can be used for websites in other languages.

3. Choosing images

Interestingly, Google's algorithm also looks at the appearance of your website, so if you have text without images, it will result in a lower position on Google search engine. When adding images, you should also be careful with the names of the files, so rename them.

4. Highlighted headline

One of the important factors for describing a page is the choice of the headline. The algorithm will check the title of your page, and then the text on the page, and give an assessment. A positive assessment will, of course, result in good results. This is somewhat the essence of SEO marketing, so choose the name for your website carefully, as well as the name of each individual page on the website.

Google analytics

Off-Page SEO optimization

Off-Page SEO optimization refers to techniques that relate to activities outside of your website. Such techniques can improve your website's visibility and ranking in search engines. Here are some tips for Off-Page SEO optimization:

– Backlinks refer to links from other websites that point to your website. The more backlinks you have, the better your website will be ranked in search engine results.

– Participating in online communities and forums related to your profession will help you build relationships with other experts in the same industry and also help increase the visibility of your website.

– Create more valuable and relevant content that other websites will want to link to. When your content is high-quality, other websites are more likely to link to it.

– Using social media to promote your own content. By sharing links to your website on your social media accounts, you can encourage others to share your content as well.

– Local SEO techniques can help you increase visibility of your website for local search terms. Examples of this include Google My Business and Bing Places.

– Optimizing your title tags, meta descriptions, and schema markup on your website can make it more attractive to search engines and users.

– Backlinks that come from low-quality or spam websites to your website should definitely be removed.

– By using these tips, you can improve your website's SEO and increase its visibility and ranking in search engines. You should know that Off-Page SEO is a constant process and takes time to see results. However, by implementing these strategies, you can gradually improve the visibility of your website and its ranking in search engines.

On-page SEO refers to the procedures carried out on the website itself, which raises its rank on search engines. This includes changes to the content and code of the page to improve its visibility and relevance to the search terms.

Here are a few tips for On-page SEO:

– Keyword research - check which keywords are relevant to your website and use them in your page titles, descriptions and content.

– Optimize your content - write high-quality content that is relevant and useful to your users. Use keywords in a natural writing style and avoid overusing them.

– Headings and subheadings - use relevant headings and subheadings on your page to organize your content. This also helps search engines better understand what your page is about.

– Meta descriptions - write compelling meta descriptions for your pages that will attract users to click on your page in search results.

– URLs - use short and descriptive URLs that relate to your page and include keywords.

– Page load speed - optimize your page load speed to improve user experience and your visibility on search engines.

– Mobile responsiveness - ensure that your page is mobile-responsive to improve user experience and your visibility on search engines.